Our quality cruise control kits are designed and assembled in Australia making them the perfect addition for any car, ute, 4WD, commercial or truck. They're easy to install, easy to use and engineered to ensure a perfect fit with the highest level of reliability.
E-Cruise Control kits are designed model specific and pre-programmed (fully calibrated) so you don't need to haul around computers or programmers and saves time as you dont have to drive around trying to calibrate the unit.
E-Cruise kits comes with detailed model specific fitting instructions with photo guide and are plug n play design, making them one of the easiest cruise control kits on the market to install.
Benefits of E-Cruise Cruise Control kits:
Model specific fitting instructions & user manual
High quality, Plug & Play model specific kits
No field programming or calibration required
OEM Factory Style Connectors
Quick trouble free installation
Minimal to no soldering
3 Year Warranty
$934.00 $909.00
$934.00 $909.00
$768.00 $743.00
$768.00 $743.00
$768.00 $743.00
$768.00 $743.00
$934.00 $909.00